Mary Eller (McNamee)
Bette Otwell-Home Ec. and sponsor for the Nurse's Club-what a cutie-she was a real confidence builder-her style was to teach a way to do something that really worked, you could use it, and you would be OK.
Mary Jane Weinberg-typing-straight out of the Gestopo-I had her for Typing and Advanced Typing, the woman never smiled-but I sure appreciated having typing skills-they took me all the way up through computors.
Evelyn Arnauld-English-she wore the nicest clothes-matching skirts and sweaters with jewelry and scarves-she made us write a lot of papers.
Nancy Sheeley-Spanish-is she surprised at how much Spanish is spoken in the U.S. now? I still remember 3 phrases, and can recognize words here and there.
Richard Franklin-I had him for Driver's Ed., too. It was a summer class. It was my turn to drive, and he asked me if I had ever driven, and I said no, I had not. So, we went through all the preliminaries, and when I put my foot on the gas and started heading for the cars parked along the street, his face turned bright red and he stepped on his brake pedal so hard! When he could breathe again, he said, "you weren't kidding were you?." He talked me though it, and we survived that day, but he was sure paying attention.